Use a dictionary for Scrabble and Wordfeud
BACK TO SEARCHThe following words can be composed of the letters: l, y, m, p, h, o, m, a, t, o, s, e, s
13-letter words (1)
10-letter words (2)
9-letter words (11)
holotypes (17)homestays (17)homolyses (17)homoplasy (19)hypostome (19)loathsome (14)lymphomas (21)mesophyls (19)polymaths (19)polysomes (16)postholes (14)
8-letter words (41)
amyloses (13)apostles (10)apothems (15)haploses (13)holotype (16)homestay (16)hommoses (15)hoopless (13)lothsome (13)lymphoma (20)lysosome (13)maestoso (10)malmseys (15)maltoses (10)maypoles (15)mesophyl (18)myelomas (15)myosotes (13)myotomes (15)omphalos (15)oophytes (16)osteomas (10)pathless (13)pathoses (13)polymath (18)polyomas (15)polysome (15)posthole (13)potashes (13)potholes (13)shampoos (15)shoalest (11)smoothes (13)smoothly (16)soothsay (14)spathose (13)stammels (12)symptoms (17)tapholes (13)teashops (13)toyshops (16)
7-letter words (81)
amplest (11)amylose (12)apostle (9)apothem (14)asshole (10)empathy (17)employs (14)hamlets (12)hapless (12)haslets (10)hatless (10)hooplas (12)hostels (10)loathes (10)loosest (7)lotoses (7)lysates (10)malmsey (14)maltose (9)matless (9)mayhems (17)maypole (14)methyls (15)molests (9)moolahs (12)mooleys (12)motleys (12)myeloma (14)myosote (12)myotome (14)oompahs (14)oophyte (15)osmoles (9)osteoma (9)pastels (9)pelotas (9)petasos (9)peyotls (12)phloems (14)phytols (15)plashes (12)polyoma (14)pomelos (11)pommels (13)poshest (12)posoles (9)postals (9)pothole (12)saloops (9)samlets (9)samples (11)sapotes (9)shaloms (12)shammes (14)shammos (14)shamoys (15)shampoo (14)shapely (15)sheltas (10)sholoms (12)smaltos (9)smooths (12)smoothy (15)solates (7)soothes (10)soothly (13)spathes (12)splashy (15)stammel (11)staples (9)stemmas (11)symptom (16)systole (10)taphole (12)teapoys (12)teashop (12)thymols (15)topless (9)toyless (10)toyshop (15)typhose (15)
6-letter words (210)
alephs (11)almehs (11)almost (8)amoles (8)aslope (8)aslosh (9)employ (13)estops (8)ethyls (12)halest (9)haloes (9)hamlet (11)haoles (9)haslet (9)hassel (9)hassle (9)hastes (9)helots (9)homely (14)homeys (14)hommos (13)hooeys (12)hoopla (11)hosels (9)hoseys (12)hostas (9)hostel (9)hostly (12)hotels (9)hoyles (12)hyetal (12)hyssop (14)lamest (8)lapses (8)lashes (9)lathes (9)leasts (6)lemmas (10)loathe (9)looeys (9)looses (6)lotahs (9)lyases (9)lymphs (16)lysate (9)mahoes (11)mameys (13)maples (10)mashes (11)mateys (11)mayest (11)mayhem (16)measly (11)metals (8)methyl (14)metols (8)mohels (11)molest (8)moolah (11)moolas (8)mooley (11)moseys (11)moshes (11)mostly (11)motels (8)motley (11)myases (11)myomas (13)myopes (13)myoses (11)mysost (11)mythos (14)oompah (13)oomphs (13)osmole (8)osmols (8)osmose (8)osteal (6)ostomy (11)palest (8)palets (8)paseos (8)pashes (11)passel (8)pastel (8)pastes (8)pathos (11)pelota (8)pestos (8)petals (8)peyotl (11)phases (11)phloem (13)phooey (14)photos (11)phylae (14)physes (14)phytol (14)plashy (14)plasms (10)plates (8)platys (11)pleats (8)pomelo (10)pommel (12)poshly (14)posole (8)posset (8)postal (8)potash (11)pothos (11)psalms (10)ptooey (11)ptoses (8)pyoses (11)saleps (8)saloop (8)samlet (8)sample (10)sapote (8)sayest (9)selahs (9)sepals (8)sepoys (11)septal (8)shales (9)shaley (12)shalom (11)shames (11)shammy (16)shamos (11)shamoy (14)shapes (11)sheals (9)shelta (9)shelty (12)sheols (9)shleps (11)shmoes (11)shoals (9)shoaly (12)shoats (9)sholom (11)shools (9)shoots (9)shotes (9)shyest (12)slates (6)slatey (9)sloops (8)slopes (8)sloshy (12)sloths (9)slyest (9)slypes (11)smalto (8)smalts (8)smelts (8)smolts (8)smoosh (11)smooth (11)solate (6)soothe (9)sooths (9)sotols (6)spales (8)spates (8)spathe (11)spelts (8)splash (11)splats (8)splays (11)splosh (11)spools (8)stales (6)stamps (10)stapes (8)staphs (11)staple (8)steals (6)steams (8)steamy (11)stemma (10)stemmy (13)stoles (6)stomal (8)stomas (8)stomps (10)stools (6)stoops (8)stopes (8)styles (9)sylphs (14)system (11)tamely (11)tassel (6)teapoy (11)tempos (10)tepals (8)tepoys (11)teslas (6)thesps (11)tholes (9)tholos (9)thymes (14)thymol (14)tophes (11)toshes (9)yahoos (12)yeasts (9)
5-letter words (384)
aleph (10)almeh (10)almes (7)aloes (5)altho (8)altos (5)ammos (9)amole (7)ample (9)amply (12)amyls (10)apses (7)aptly (10)ashes (8)asset (5)atoms (7)atomy (10)atopy (10)easts (5)emmys (12)empty (12)ephas (10)essay (8)estop (7)ethos (8)ethyl (11)etyma (10)eyass (8)haems (10)haets (8)hales (8)halms (10)halos (8)halts (8)hames (10)hammy (15)haole (8)haply (13)hasps (10)haste (8)hasty (11)hates (8)heals (8)heaps (10)heapy (13)heats (8)helms (10)helos (8)helot (8)helps (10)hemal (10)hemps (12)hempy (15)hests (8)holes (8)holey (11)holms (10)holts (8)homes (10)homey (13)homos (10)hooey (11)hooly (11)hoops (10)hoots (8)hooty (11)hopes (10)hosel (8)hoses (8)hosey (11)hosta (8)hosts (8)hotel (8)hotly (11)hoyas (11)hoyle (11)hylas (11)hypes (13)hypos (13)lames (7)lamps (9)lapse (7)lases (5)lasso (5)lasts (5)lathe (8)laths (8)lathy (11)leaps (7)leapt (7)leash (8)least (5)lemma (9)lepta (7)loams (7)loamy (10)loath (8)loess (5)looey (8)looms (7)loops (7)loopy (10)loose (5)loots (5)lopes (7)loses (5)lossy (8)lotah (8)lotas (5)lotos (5)lyase (8)lymph (15)lyses (8)lyssa (8)mahoe (10)males (7)malms (9)malmy (12)malts (7)malty (10)mamey (12)maple (9)mashy (13)masse (7)massy (10)masts (7)mates (7)matey (10)maths (10)mayos (10)mayst (10)meals (7)mealy (10)meats (7)meaty (10)melts (7)melty (10)memos (9)mesas (7)meshy (13)messy (10)metal (7)meths (10)metol (7)moats (7)mohel (10)molas (7)moles (7)molto (7)molts (7)momes (9)moola (7)mools (7)moose (7)moots (7)mopes (9)mopey (12)mosey (10)mosso (7)mossy (10)moste (7)mosts (7)motel (7)motes (7)motey (10)moths (10)mothy (13)myoma (12)myope (12)myths (13)oases (5)oasts (5)oaths (8)oleos (5)oomph (12)opahs (10)opals (7)osmol (7)pales (7)palet (7)palms (9)palmy (12)palsy (10)paseo (7)pases (7)passe (7)paste (7)pasts (7)pasty (10)pates (7)paths (10)patly (10)patsy (10)peals (7)peats (7)peaty (10)pelts (7)pesos (7)pesto (7)pests (7)pesty (10)petal (7)phase (10)photo (10)phots (10)phyla (13)phyle (13)plash (10)plasm (9)plate (7)plats (7)platy (10)plays (10)pleas (7)pleat (7)plots (7)ploys (10)poems (9)poesy (10)poets (7)poles (7)polos (7)polys (10)pomes (9)pommy (14)pomos (9)poohs (10)pools (7)poses (7)posse (7)posts (7)potsy (10)psalm (9)psoae (7)psoas (7)salep (7)sales (5)salps (7)salts (5)salty (8)samps (9)satem (7)sates (5)sayst (8)seals (5)seams (7)seamy (10)seats (5)selah (8)sepal (7)sepoy (10)septa (7)septs (7)setal (5)shale (8)shalt (8)shaly (11)shame (10)shams (10)shape (10)shays (11)sheal (8)sheas (8)sheol (8)shlep (10)shoal (8)shoat (8)shoes (8)shool (8)shoos (8)shoot (8)shops (10)shote (8)shots (8)slams (7)slaps (7)slash (8)slate (5)slats (5)slaty (8)slays (8)slept (7)sloes (5)sloop (7)slope (7)slops (7)slosh (8)sloth (8)slots (5)slype (10)smalt (7)smash (10)smelt (7)smolt (7)smote (7)soaps (7)soapy (10)soles (5)solos (5)somas (7)sooey (8)sooth (8)soots (5)sooty (8)sophs (10)sophy (13)soths (8)sotol (5)soyas (8)spaes (7)spale (7)spams (9)spasm (9)spate (7)spats (7)spays (10)spelt (7)splat (7)splay (10)spool (7)spots (7)stale (5)stamp (9)staph (10)stash (8)stays (8)steal (5)steam (7)stela (5)stems (7)steps (7)stoae (5)stoas (5)stole (5)stoma (7)stomp (9)stool (5)stoop (7)stope (7)stops (7)styes (8)style (8)sylph (13)syphs (13)sysop (10)taels (5)tales (5)tames (7)tammy (12)tamps (9)tapes (7)tasse (5)teals (5)teams (7)telos (5)tempo (9)temps (9)tepal (7)tepas (7)tepoy (10)tesla (5)thesp (10)thole (8)those (8)thyme (13)toeas (5)tolas (5)toles (5)tomes (7)tommy (12)tools (5)topes (7)tophe (10)tophs (10)topos (7)toyos (8)typal (10)types (10)typos (10)yahoo (11)yeahs (11)yeast (8)yelps (10)ylems (10)
4-letter words (340)
ahem (9)ahoy (10)ales (4)alme (6)alms (6)aloe (4)alps (6)also (4)alto (4)alts (4)ammo (8)amps (8)amyl (9)apes (6)apos (6)apse (6)ashy (10)asps (6)ates (4)atom (6)atop (6)ayes (7)east (4)easy (7)eath (7)eats (4)elms (6)elmy (9)emmy (11)epha (9)epos (6)espy (9)etas (4)eths (7)eyas (7)haem (9)haes (7)haet (7)hale (7)halm (9)halo (7)halt (7)hame (9)hams (9)haps (9)hasp (9)hast (7)hate (7)hats (7)hays (10)heal (7)heap (9)heat (7)helm (9)helo (7)help (9)hemp (11)hems (9)hest (7)hets (7)hoes (7)hole (7)holm (9)holp (9)hols (7)holt (7)holy (10)home (9)homo (9)homy (12)hoop (9)hoot (7)hope (9)hops (9)hose (7)host (7)hots (7)hoya (10)hoys (10)hyla (10)hype (12)hypo (12)hyps (12)hyte (10)lame (6)lamp (8)lams (6)laps (6)lase (4)lash (7)lass (4)last (4)late (4)lath (7)lats (4)lays (7)leap (6)leas (4)lept (6)less (4)lest (4)lets (4)leys (7)loam (6)loom (6)loop (6)loos (4)loot (4)lope (6)lops (6)lose (4)loss (4)lost (4)lota (4)loth (7)lots (4)lyes (7)lyse (7)maes (6)male (6)malm (8)malt (6)maps (8)mash (9)mass (6)mast (6)mate (6)math (9)mats (6)mayo (9)mays (9)meal (6)meat (6)mels (6)melt (6)memo (8)mems (8)mesa (6)mesh (9)mess (6)meta (6)meth (9)mhos (9)moas (6)moat (6)mola (6)mole (6)mols (6)molt (6)moly (9)mome (8)moms (8)mool (6)moos (6)moot (6)mope (8)mops (8)mopy (11)mosh (9)moss (6)most (6)mote (6)moth (9)mots (6)myth (12)oast (4)oath (7)oats (4)ohms (9)olea (4)oleo (4)oles (4)oohs (7)oops (6)oots (4)opah (9)opal (6)opes (6)opts (6)oses (4)ossa (4)oyes (7)pale (6)palm (8)pals (6)paly (9)pams (8)pase (6)pash (9)pass (6)past (6)pate (6)path (9)pats (6)paty (9)pays (9)peal (6)peas (6)peat (6)pehs (9)pelt (6)peso (6)pest (6)pets (6)phat (9)phot (9)plat (6)play (9)plea (6)plot (6)ploy (9)poem (8)poet (6)pole (6)polo (6)pols (6)poly (9)pome (8)pomo (8)poms (8)pooh (9)pool (6)poos (6)pose (6)posh (9)post (6)posy (9)pots (6)psst (6)pyas (9)pyes (9)sale (4)salp (6)sals (4)salt (4)same (6)samp (8)saps (6)sash (7)sate (4)says (7)seal (4)seam (6)seas (4)seat (4)sels (4)sept (6)seta (4)sets (4)sham (9)shat (7)shay (10)shea (7)shes (7)shmo (9)shoe (7)shoo (7)shop (9)shot (7)slam (6)slap (6)slat (4)slay (7)sloe (4)slop (6)slot (4)soap (6)sola (4)sole (4)solo (4)sols (4)soma (6)some (6)soms (6)soot (4)soph (9)sops (6)soth (7)sots (4)soya (7)soys (7)spae (6)spam (8)spas (6)spat (6)spay (9)spot (6)stay (7)stem (6)step (6)stey (7)stoa (4)stop (6)stye (7)syph (12)tael (4)tale (4)tame (6)tamp (8)tams (6)taos (4)tape (6)taps (6)tass (4)teal (4)team (6)teas (4)tela (4)tels (4)temp (8)tepa (6)thae (7)them (9)they (10)toea (4)toes (4)tola (4)tole (4)tome (6)toms (6)tool (4)toom (6)tope (6)toph (9)topo (6)tops (6)tosh (7)toss (4)toyo (7)toys (7)tyes (7)type (9)typo (9)yams (9)yaps (9)yeah (10)yeas (7)yelp (9)yeps (9)ylem (9)
3-letter words (149)
ahs (6)ale (3)alp (5)als (3)alt (3)amp (7)ape (5)apo (5)apt (5)ash (6)asp (5)ass (3)ate (3)aye (6)ays (6)eat (3)elm (5)els (3)ems (5)ess (3)eta (3)eth (6)hae (6)ham (8)hao (6)hap (8)has (6)hat (6)hay (9)hem (8)hep (8)hes (6)het (6)hey (9)hmm (10)hoe (6)hop (8)hos (6)hot (6)hoy (9)hyp (11)lam (5)lap (5)las (3)lat (3)lay (6)lea (3)les (3)let (3)ley (6)loo (3)lop (5)lot (3)lye (6)mae (5)map (7)mas (5)mat (5)may (8)mel (5)mem (7)met (5)mho (8)moa (5)mol (5)mom (7)moo (5)mop (7)mos (5)mot (5)oat (3)oes (3)ohm (8)oho (6)ohs (6)ole (3)oms (5)ooh (6)oot (3)ope (5)ops (5)opt (5)ose (3)pah (8)pal (5)pam (7)pas (5)pat (5)pay (8)pea (5)peh (8)pes (5)pet (5)pht (8)ply (8)poh (8)pol (5)pom (7)poo (5)pot (5)pst (5)pya (8)pye (8)sae (3)sal (3)sap (5)sat (3)say (6)sea (3)sel (3)set (3)sha (6)she (6)shy (9)sly (6)sol (3)som (5)sop (5)sos (3)sot (3)soy (6)spa (5)spy (8)sty (6)tae (3)tam (5)tao (3)tap (5)tas (3)tea (3)tel (3)the (6)tho (6)thy (9)toe (3)tom (5)too (3)top (5)toy (6)tye (6)yah (9)yam (8)yap (8)yea (6)yeh (9)yep (8)yes (6)yet (6)yom (8)